

Without being exhaustive...

Hereinafter we introduce some companies without the requirement of completeness...


XII th HUNGAODENT Exhibition

12 December 2010

We gladly inform you that the HUNGARODENT dental trade exhibition, that is successful for many years, will be organized next year between 13 and 14 May. This exhibition is the own exhibition of the Fogászati Kereskedők és Gyártók Szövetsége (FoKeSz) (Association of Dental Traders and Manufacturers), which they arrange within the frame of the VIIIth Hungarian Dentists’ Days together with the Dental Branch of the MOK (Hungarian Medical Chamber) in 2011.

XII th HUNGAODENT Exhibition

The organizer of the event is Sämling Kiållítåsi Kft. (Sämling Exhibition Ltd.) on behalf of the FoKeSz.

Those who have not been present in the exhibition be informed that to this event we are waiting for such exhibitors, who manufacture or trade with different materials, machines, appliances, instruments, equipment, and softwares for dentists and dental technicians in some field of dentistry.

The exhibitors can present their products and services in built stands in an area of more than 1000 m2.